Songs / Compositions -- New -- Unpublished

  Unpublished Songs & Compositions



(HOMEPAGE -- Robin Maynes -- Comprehensive Musician)



1.  It Isn't Her -- copyright 2008

2.  Ocean Breeze -- copyright 2008

3.  Avian Purgatory -- copyright 2009

4.  Momma Did The Best She Could -- copyright 2009

5.  TOYMAKERS -- copyright 1996 - 2009 - 2013 (published) 

6.  Festive Countryside -- copyright 2011 (published) 

7.  Peaceful Nights -- copyright 2011 (published) 

8.  The Ultimate Gift -- copyright 2012  (published)

9.  Say 'Farewell' To Autumn -- copyright 2014  (published) 





(HOMEPAGE -- Robin Maynes -- Comprehensive Musician)